
Another 20 minutes of pure piff, straight from the 49th state! Happy Sunday.


“Bitch, they just hung my apron in the rafters…”

The best coke rapper not named Pusha with another one. Sorry Jeezy.


Back from vacay. This dropped while I was away. Shout out to my guy. Beyond proud. 1 time for the Nation.

This also dropped while I was away. Yung Samurai Zachariah with another one. Salute to my dawg!


New piff from the War Room. Real vibey. Wu Tang Forever. Enjoy. S/o to the boizzzzzz!


”DJ Cuckboy” is hilarious to me, idgaf.

Me and the goobers are back, bihhhhhh!


Here’s a new mix to listen to on this sabbath day of our lord. Turn this shit up for Korean Baby Jesus! Special lil treat @ the end. Enjoy.